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Professional, High-quality, Integrity

Pan's Financial Inc, also known as 潘老师财富小课堂, is a financial service provider. We offer a comprehensive range of services including retirement plans, annuities, health insurance, life insurance, college financial planning, tax strategies, estate planning, and comprehensive one-stop family financial solutions. Our team, leveraging deep expertise, confidently provides clients with tailor-made services, ensuring that each client receives the most suitable solution for their needs

Our Services

Our Services

At Pan's Financial Inc, we offer a wide range of financial planning services to meet your specific needs and goals.

Retirement Planning

While navigating retirement plans like 401(k), IRA, and Roth IRA can be complex, we simplify the process with comprehensive retirement planning services to optimize your savings and maximize tax advantages


Annuities provide a safety net for retirement, offering options like guaranteed income streams or market-based growth, to address concerns about traditional retirement sources

Life Insurance

Whether you're looking to protect your family, secure long-term care benefits, facilitate wealth transfer, fund a tax-free retirement, or cover future college tuition for your children, life insurance offers substantial benefits.


Turning 65?  Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors, offers comprehensive coverage.  However, navigating its options can be tricky, so planning ahead is crucial to avoid costly mistakes that could impact your retirement health care.

Health Insurance

Early retirement without employer coverage? Job loss got you down? We can help you find affordable Obamacare plans with tax credits and cost-sharing reductions, ensuring quality coverage at a lower cost.

Travel Insuance

Traveling brings excitement, but unexpected events can disrupt your plans.  Travel insurance offers peace of mind, no matter your destination or reason for travel.  Discover the plan to fit your unique needs for a stress-free adventure.

Tax Planning

Don't confuse tax planning with filing your tax return! Tax planning is a strategic, long-term approach to minimizing your taxes over time. It considers various aspects, even how you distribute your retirement income to keep your tax burden low.

Estate Planning

Safeguard your legacy. Estate planning lets you ensure your wealth smoothly transfers to the next generation according to your wishes, while avoiding the complexities and potential delays of probate.

Financial Planning

Life's financial journey can be complex. Our comprehensive approach guides you through every step, from retirement planning to healthcare. Focus on what matters, we'll handle the rest.

Ready to Take Control of Your Financial Future?

Start your journey towards financial security and success with Pan's Financial Inc. Schedule a consultation today to explore your options and make informed decisions.

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